We played for ages, loads of jumping and tunnels which went well. Then we did some contacts which I think I've got the hang of now. I keep doing handstands at the bottom of the A frame cos I come down so fast but I think I can cope with that now, it used to be a bit scary but now I'm expecting it its not so bad.
We finished off with some weaves. I LOVE weaves, I can do them real fast now so we started looking at the different entrances. I had to turn tight turns and run between jumps and the weaves were the other side of the field but I got it most of the time. So then Lucy set up a jump and kept making the entrance to the weaves tighter and tighter most of the time I got it. Everyone was so excited they kept wooping and shouting, Lucy said there weren't many grade 7 dogs that could do that, she event took some video of me. I was very proud of myself but it was very tiring and eventually I just had to slow down a bit.
There was lots of chatter as we walked back up to the house, talk of getting together a small team, and trying to enter some qualifiers next year, not sure what that means but I think I'll like it.
Mikey was playing with the camera while I was training so heres some of the results (Granny made the slideshow bit techie for Mikey)