Sunday, 25 July 2010

Empingham today

This morning started off really well with a clear round in a grade 1-7 Agility. It was a twisty course which I normally don't like as I can't just run but I still enjoyed it. Granny was pleased as I didn't stop for a nosey around at the top of the A frame, but I only just got the contact. She says more training needed! oh goody. Then I stopped listening in the jumping which was a bit silly as it was a really nice course with a great run to the end. An probably not worth telling you much about the 1-2 Agility except it was grannies fault (well most of it!) I missed the dog walk contact so from there granny decided to see what would happen if she raced around the course as fast as she could, she said it was because I'd been running very slow for me. I managed ok but if all fell apart a bit, but we had fun. Mikey managed to loose my favourite toy but he made it up to me by buying me a new one which is great but I think I can play on that a bit, more toys for me!! And this is what I'm up to now its a though life.

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